Depression & Anxiety

Its estimated that one in five of us experiences some period of being depressed at some point in their lives. Its is by far the most common mental illness. Anxiety is a close second.

Both are treatable, but some forms of depression and anxiety actually deter us from seeking help.

Chronic negative thinking can keep us attached to the belief that nothing we do, or try, will help. It’s almost the “job” of the depression or anxiety to convince us of this. Again, with the help of counselling/therapy, it is possible to recover.For some types of depression and anxiety, medication may be required as an adjunct to therapy, however a thorough assessment and diagnosis must be undertaken by a qualified medical practitioner and any subsequent prescribed medication should be monitored closely by that practitioner.

In therapy, it is possible to explore the negative thinking patterns and their origins, and to work towards developing a skills set to manage our moods with greater success.

Skills such as cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness and meditation are some of the tools we explore together.

Do any of these apply to you?

 I’m sad all the time

 I put on a mask to hide my true feelings; no one knows how I really feel underneath

 I feel hopeless

 I don’t believe anything will really help

 I hate going out and mixing with people

 I always think people are judging me

 I worry all the time

 I live in fear most of the time

 I think about suicide